I've got a rare moment of peace before I hit the road to Oregon, and thought I'd post something. As I loaded the van, I started thinking about all the stuff required to race. Then I started thinking about why I'm loading all this crap into a giant van. The best reason that I could come up with is goal attainment.
There's even more tucked under the seat... |
We all have goals that we'd like to achieve. In my various roles, I have various lists of goals. As a team director, I'm trying to be more organized and avoid being known as "Team Fred" this year. This is not going to be easy, as we have a lot of first time racers and very few people with significant travel race experience. I'm lucky enough to have some connections with people that are smarter than I am and are willing to teach. Kai and Hoene from
Elite Protocol have been fantastic and volunteered a good amount of time to help the new riders. It's my job now to take it from there and make sure that numbers are pinned on right and everybody is eating properly and all that nonsense, hence the cooler, water jug, pots and pans, Coleman stove, pocket full of safety pins.
I'll be posting more as I can over the weekend. Full Race Report will be in by Monday.
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